Hi Tom,
I was hoping you could help me with using the Kanalog JP8
terminal for my application. My need is to supply low
current 5V to a servo drive in order to use step and
direction pulses for control purposes. I have it setup as
open collector using the 5V which also powers KFlop and
Kanalog. These pulses are being fed from the JP5 terminal
of KFlop.
When the system powers up, the servo motor spins until I
run the init file which defines the specs for the axis. I
guess the default circuit in JP5 allows the 5V to flow in
the pulse circuit (JP5 pin 5). My thinking was to use a
relay to only allow the 5V after running init, solving the
problem of the servo turning on startup.
How do the 5V pins work in the Kanalog JP8 terminal. Can I
turn them on/off using a bit, or am I better off using one
of the JP8 relays?